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LACMP Kicks Off Soon! We answer your FAQs here.

We’re getting closer by the day to our Leader As Coach Mastery Program (LACMP). Are you in?


In case you are still on the fence, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions that may help sway you to join us this Fall.


I heard the dates changed. What are they?


Yes, we shifted the dates one month to accommodate a few requests. The new dates are as follows:

Who will be facilitating this program?

Cynthia Way, Master Certified Coach, Owner of Way To Go and original co-creator of Leader as Coach Mastery Program will lead this program, together with Sheri Leffel, Professional Certified Coach. See their bios at


What if I can’t make the Sept 26 Kick off?

That’s ok. We are recording it and will send you everything you need to know to start with us in October.


Is the Leader As Coach Mastery Program right for me? Who attends?

We have everything from new supervisors, C Suite and mid level managers to senior executives, CIOs, CEOs, CFOs. All are satisfied. At one federal agency, after the mid level managers took the program, the senior executives realized they needed to step up their game so we ran a separate program just for them so that they, too, could employ the powerful leader-as-coach approach.


What makes LACMP different than other?

This is more than just teaching coaching skills to leaders. Einstein said “you can’t solve the problems of today with the mindset you had when they were created” (paraphrasing here). We show leaders a totally different way to view their role, which results in inspiring their team to perform and excel. To turn difficult performance conversations into ones that motivate people to do better. To hold people accountable and get results while also building strong morale and a climate of positivity. We bring in neuroscience, systems thinking and other organizational learning concepts, emotional intelligence, positive psychology and more.


How big of a group is it?

Glad you asked! That’s another unique aspect of our program. We intentionally keep the groups small with a maximum 12:1 ratio of participant to facilitator. That enables us to keep it experiential through demos, mini-presentations, hands-on learning lab, and on-the-spot coaching and feedback.


Can I send more than one person from my organization?

Absolutely! One organization is sending a cohort of 7 people. Imagine the kind of culture change imaginable when there is a core group of people approaching things differently and supporting one another in that new style of leadership.


I’m with a federal agency. Is this program applicable to us?

Absolutely! In fact, Leader as Coach Mastery Program was initially run in a federal agency, then expanded to private industry to include a major international company. In fact, for many years it was a bi-annual core offering for all C-Suite leaders with wait lists for every running.


What if I can’t attend a day?

While we encourage you to make this a priority, we know sometimes things happen.  Each session will be recorded and shared only with participants in the program, along with LACMP facilitators.


Is there homework?

We know that your time is so valuable and that there are never enough hours in the day. Rather than giving you “extra” homework and add more stress to your life (the last thing you need!), your homework in between classes is to do what you already do, but to do it differently, employing the skills you learned in the program. We think you will be very pleased with the results!


Virtual is hard! Will you be giving in-person programs?

We employ neuroscience best practices in our virtual approach, to include even the structure of the program, whereby you practice what you’ve learned, you come back and reinforce what you’ve learned, and continue to build on what you’ve learned. This makes for training that actually makes a lasting difference!  That said, we are available to offer in-person programs if you or your organization would like to host one.


What if I want to continue coaching after this program? Do you offer that?

Absolutely! In fact, coaching is a core specialty of Way To Go! Inc. You can choose  among the cadre of qualified coaches. We also have coaches who specialize in resiliency, an emerging need in today’s climate.


Have you offered this program in the past?

We’ve been offering this program for the past 17 years. Each time we give it is better than the last because it is continuously being upgraded.


Is this program certified by the International Coaches Federation?

Not yet! But we have plans for the future. You will definitely learn key coaching skills that will be foundational to certification.


Convinced? We’d love to have you join us. Register right now as those spots are limited.

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